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- Remediation:
the act or process of correcting a fault or deficiency.
- Remedial action:
action to make up for a wrong caused in the past that is ordered by a court.
- Resolution Meeting
A resolution meeting is a new conflict resolution process established under
IDEA 2004.A resolution meeting must be held within 15 calendar days of receiving
notice of a due process complaint, unless the parent and school district agree
in writing to waive the meeting or agree to use the mediation process.The purpose of the meeting is for the parent to discuss the due process
complaint and supporting facts so that the local educational agency (LEA)
has the opportunity to resolve the dispute. A resolution meeting gives
parents and the school district a chance to work together to avoid a due
process hearing.The parent and the LEA determine which members of the Individualized
Education Program (IEP) team will attend the resolution meeting. Participants
include the parents, the LEA representative who can make decisions on
behalf of the school, and any IEP team member who has relevant information
about the issue that is being discussed. School districts may not bring an
attorney to the resolution meeting unless the parents bring an attorney
- Retaliation:
when a student takes action against another student to get back at that student for doing something to harm him or her in the past.
- Right:
legal entitlement that the school must provide.
- Right to confront/cross-examine witnesses:
right of the student to address his/her accuser and to question witnesses speaking against him/her; this varies depending on the nature of the proceeding.
- Right to counsel:
the right of the student to present his or her case through an attorney or to have an attorney assist in an advisory role; this right varies by state.
- Right to interpreter:
school generally must provide a person to interpret the disciplinary hearing in the student’s native language.