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- Presumption of innocence:
students in a disciplinary hearing are considered to be innocent until proven otherwise.
- Prior written notice:
report that the school must provide explaining in detail what action is proposed, how the decision was made, what documentation was relied on in supporting the decision, what other options it considered for prospective special education students, and why it rejected those other options; part of due process.
- Privilege:
a particular benefit of the student that is not a right (examples: membership in a sport, a specific class) and thus due process does not necessarily apply (unless the privilege is directly related to that student’s right to education).
- Procedural notifications and consent protections:
documentation that school must provide for both the special education referral and the regular review and revision of the student’s IEP; part of due process.
- Proficiency:
level of skill or ability in a language.
- Positive Intervention
A positive way of helping a student learn to change problem behaviors
- Protections:
laws against discrimination toward children with disabilities; the focus of Section 504 legislation.