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- Change in placement:
under IDEA, the situation in which a school suspends a disabled student for a time period more than 10 school days in a row. The parents and student are entitled to a Functional Behavioral Assessment and Manifestation Determination Review.
- Child Study Team
Consists of a school psychologist, a learning disabilities teacher/ consultant, and school social worker who are employees of the school district responsible for conducting evaluations to determine eligibility for special education and related services for students with disabilities.
- Child with Disability
Pupils ages 3 to 21, evaluated and classified in accordance with current regulations.
- Compensatory services:
court-ordered services that the school must provide to make up for past mistakes of the school following a successful due process hearing or appeal. These could include reimbursement to parents for the cost of private services that you provided your child that the school did not provide, attorney’s fees, or often private school tuition.
- Corporal punishment:
physical punishment of student by school official; laws about/against vary by state.
- Cyberbullying:
the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group with the intention to harm others.