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- Adequate education:
a right to basic educational opportunities for all studentsregardless of disability.
- Administrative Law Judge
A neutral fact finder employed by the Office of Disability Adjudication & Review (ODAR) to determine if a claimant is entitled to benefits under the law. Most decisions are related to disability programs but ALJs decide other issues such as retirement, as well.
- Administrative Law Judge
- Administrative proceeding:
a hearing conducted by a government agency, not in a court, that may result in one group being penalized.
- Administrative Review Officer:
reviews parents’ appeal (rejection of the initial ruling) to the Hearing Officer in the due process hearing, typically reviewing requests placed within a specified period (typically 30 to 35 days) after the hearing; generally reaches a decision within 30 days of the appeal.
- Alternative school:
reassignment of the student to another facility; often offers inferior educational opportunities.
- Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”):
federal law that prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for disabled people in all government services including education, employment, and transportation.